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Operating System Notes Free Download Pdf

Operating System Handwritten Notes PDF

Date: 3rd Dec 2021

In these " Operating System Handwritten Notes PDF ", we will study the different types of operating systems. Operating system modules such as memory management, process management, and file management are covered in detail.

We have provided multiple complete Operating System Notes PDF for any university student of BCA, MCA, B.Sc, B.Tech CSE, M.Tech branch to enhance more knowledge about the subject and to score better marks in the exam. Students can easily make use of all these Operating System Handwritten Notes PDF by downloading them.

Topics in our Operating System Handwritten Notes PDF

The topics we will cover in these Operating System Handwritten Notes PDF will be taken from the following list:

Operating System Introduction: What is an Operating System, Simple Batch Systems, Multi-programmed Batches systems, Time-Sharing Systems, Personal-computer systems, Parallel systems, Distributed Systems, Real-Time Systems, OS – A Resource Manager.

Memory Organization & Management: Memory Organization, Memory Hierarchy, Memory Management Strategies, Contiguous versus non- Contiguous memory allocation, Partition Management Techniques, Logical versus Physical Address space, swapping, Paging, Segmentation, Segmentation with Paging

Virtual Memory: Demand Paging, Page Replacement, Page-replacement Algorithms, Performance of Demand Paging, Thrashing, Demand Segmentation, and Overlay Concepts.

Processes: Introduction, Process states, process management, Interrupts, Interprocess Communication Threads: Introduction, Thread states, Thread Operation, Threading Models.

Processor Scheduling: Scheduling levels, pre-emptive vs no pre-emptive scheduling, priorities, scheduling objective, scheduling criteria, scheduling algorithms, demand scheduling, real-time scheduling.

Process Synchronization: Mutual exclusion, software solution to Mutual exclusion problem, hardware solution to Mutual exclusion problem, semaphores, Critical section problems. Case study on Dining philosopher problem, Barbershop problem, etc.

Deadlocks: examples of deadlock, resource concepts, necessary conditions for deadlock, deadlock solution, deadlock prevention, deadlock avoidance with Bankers algorithms, deadlock detection, deadlock recovery.

Device Management: Disk Scheduling Strategies, Rotational Optimization, System Consideration, Caching, and Buffering.

File System: Introduction, File Organization, Logical File System, Physical File System, File Allocation strategy, Free Space Management, File Access Control, Data Access Techniques, Data Integrity Protection, Case study on file system viz FAT32, NTFS, Ext2/Ext3, etc.

I/O Systems:  Kernel I/O Subsystem, Disk Structure, Disk Scheduling, Disk Management, Swap Space Management, RAID Structure, Case study on Linux System, Case study on Windows XP.

Download Operating System Handwritten Notes PDF

Operating System Handwritten Notes PDF

Operating System Handwritten Notes PDF
Contributor: Abhishek Sharma
College: KMV (DU)



Operating System Handwritten Notes PDF

Operating System Handwritten Notes PDF
Contributor: Abhishek Sharma
College: KMV (DU)



Operating System Handwritten Notes PDF

Operating System Notes PDF
Contributor: Abhishek Sharma
College: KMV (DU)



Operating System Handwritten Notes PDF

Operating System Handwritten Notes PDF



Operating System Handwritten Notes PDF

Operating System Handwritten Notes PDF



Operating System Hand written Notes PDF

Operating System Hand written Notes PDF



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Operating System Notes PDF Download



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Operating System Books

We have listed the best Operating System Books that can help in your Operating Systems exam preparation:

Operating System Notes PDF FAQs

What is an Operating System ?

An operating system (OS) is system software that manages computer hardware, software resources, and provides common services for computer programs.
Some popular Operating Systems include Linux Operating System, Windows Operating System, VMS, OS/400, AIX, z/OS, etc.

What are the functions of Operating Systems ?

  1. Memory Management
  2. Processor Management
  3. Device Management
  4. File Management
  5. Security
  6. Control over system performance
  7. Job accounting
  8. Error detecting aids
  9. Coordination between other software and users

What are the types of Operating Systems ?

  1. Batch OS: A set of similar jobs are stored in the main memory for execution. A job gets assigned to the CPU, only when the execution of the previous job completes.
  2. Multi-programming OS: The main memory consists of jobs waiting for CPU time. The OS selects one of the processes and assigns it to the CPU. Whenever the executing process needs to wait for any other operation (like I/O), the OS selects another process from the job queue and assigns it to the CPU. This way, the CPU is never kept idle and the user gets the flavor of getting multiple tasks done at once.
  3. Multitasking OS: Multitasking OS combines the benefits of Multi-programming OS and CPU scheduling to perform quick switches between jobs. The switch is so quick that the user can interact with each program as it runs.
  4. Time Sharing OS: Time-sharing systems require interaction with the user to instruct the OS to perform various tasks. The OS responds with an output. The instructions are usually given through an input device like the keyboard.
  5. Real Time OS: Real-Time OS are usually built for dedicated systems to accomplish a specific set of tasks within deadlines.

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In these "Analytical Clinical Biochemistry Notes PDF", we will study the biochemically significant features of the proteins, enzymes, nucleic acids, and lipids, using suitable examples. This includes classification, properties, and biological importance of biomolecules. The course provides an overview of drug-receptor interaction and Structure-Activity Relation (SAR) studies. It will introduce the students to the concept of genetic code and concept of heredity. The key emphasis is placed on understanding the basic principles that govern the biological functions of biomolecules.


Author: Abhishek Sharma


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